Marketing Cloud

30-day Challenges

Take on a new challenge every day and learn through real-world marketing scenarios.

3,724+ have already joined!

Begin your Marketing Cloud Journey


Practice AMPscript while learning the fundamentals

Start Today


Explore Account Engagement for B2B marketing

Start Today


Learn SQL and make data-driven decisions in Marketing Cloud

Start Today

How Do the 30-day Challenges Work?

Step 1

Register for one of the challenges

Step 2

You will receive a new challenge every day

Step 3

Complete the challenge and check your solution

Frequently Asked Questions

The 30-day challenges are designed to be completed on a daily basis. The time required to complete each challenge will vary depending on your prior experience and the complexity of the task. However, to make the most of the challenge and ensure that you have enough time to fully explore the concepts and tasks, I would recommend setting aside 45-60 minutes each day to work on the challenge.

Yes, I am here to assist you in your journey to learn the new platform or skills. Feel free to reach out to hello[at] with any questions you may have. I will do my best to reply as soon as possible. Please note that I may not be able to respond immediately, but I will ensure to get back to you as soon as I can.

I always welcome feedback and strive to make solutions as accurate and helpful as possible. I will review your feedback and make any necessary changes to ensure that our challenges are up-to-date and accurate.

Absolutely! I'm delighted that you found the content valuable and would like to share it with others. As long as you give proper credit to the source and include a link back to, please feel free to reference it.

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